通过本页面,您可以将PmWiki翻译为您本地语言。在这里有参数的详细介绍。 更多细节详见:Localization.Localization和Internationalizations。
### Locale identifier, e.g. 'de' or 'cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2' 'Locale' => 'zh-cn.utf8', ### Time format, e.g. '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M EET' 'TimeFmt' => '%Y年-%m月-%d日', ### Standard layout strings 'View' => '阅读', 'Edit' => '编辑', 'History' => '版本历史', 'Attach' => '附件', 'Print' => '打印', 'Backlinks' => '反向链接', 'Login' => '登录', 'Logout' => '退出登录', 'Recent Changes' => '最近更改', 'Search' => '搜索', 'Page last modified on {$LastModified}' => '本页面最后修订于:{$LastModified}', 'Go' => '搜索', 'All Recent Changes' => '最近更改', # access keys # 'ak_view' => '', # 'ak_edit' => 'e', # 'ak_history' => 'h', # 'ak_attach' => '', # 'ak_print' => '', # 'ak_backlinks' => '', # 'ak_logout' => '', # 'ak_recentchanges' => 'c', ### PageTitle/LinkText technical pages (for full list see page Localization.Localization) 'RecentChanges' => '本组最近更新', 'AllRecentChanges' => '所有最近更改', 'GroupHeader' => '组页眉', 'GroupFooter' => '组页脚', 'SideBar' => '侧边栏', 'GroupAttributes' => '组属性', ### 打印页面翻译 'From $WikiTitle' => '$WikiTitle', 'Retrieved from {$PageUrl}' => '来源地址:{$PageUrl}', ### 你可以自定义这些功能性提示页面的内容 '{$SiteGroup}/EditQuickReference' => 'PmWikiZhCn/EditQuickReference', '{$SiteGroup}/UploadQuickReference' => 'PmWikiZhCn/UploadQuickReference', '{$SiteGroup}/Search' => 'PmWikiZhCn/Search', '{$SiteGroup}.PageNotFound' => 'PmWikiZhCn/PageNotFound', ### Browse page strings 'redirected from' => '重定向自', ### 编辑页面翻译 'Editing {*$FullName}' => '正在编辑:{*$FullName}', 'Save' => '保存', 'Save and edit' => '保存并继续编辑', 'Publish' => '发布', 'Save draft' => '保存为草稿', 'Save draft and edit' => '保存为草稿并继续编辑', 'Preview' => '预览', 'Cancel' => '取消', 'Reset' => '重置', 'Author' => '作者', 'An author name is required.' => '必须填写作者名', 'Summary' => '修改原因', 'This is a minor edit' => '将此标记为小更改', 'Preview {*$FullName}' => '预览:{*$FullName}', 'End of preview -- remember to save' => '以上内容仅为预览,请及时保存', 'Page is unsaved' => '以下内容仅为预览,请及时保存', 'Top' => '返回顶部', # 定义快捷键 # 'ak_save' => 's', # 'ak_saveedit' => 'u', # 'ak_preview' => 'p', # 'ak_savedraft' => 'd', # 'ak_textedit' => ',', # 'e_rows' => '23', # 'e_cols' => '60', ### 历史页面翻译 '{$FullName} History' => '{$FullName}的历史版本', 'Show minor edits' => '显示细微更改', 'Hide minor edits' => '隐藏细微更改', 'Show changes to markup' => '以Markup源码显示', 'Show changes to output' => '以实际显示效果显示', 'by' => '被', 'Restore' => '恢复', 'Added line $DiffLines:' => '在第 $DiffLines 增加以下内容:', 'Added lines $DiffLines:' => '在 $DiffLines 行中增加以下内容:', 'Changed line $DiffLines from:' => '将 $DiffLines 行由:', 'Changed lines $DiffLines from:' => '改为:', 'Deleted line $DiffLines:' => '删除了第 $DiffLines 行的以下内容:', 'Deleted lines $DiffLines:' => '删除了 $DiffLines 行中的以下内容', 'to:' => '更新为以下内容:', ### 页面属性设置翻译 'Attributes' => '属性', '{$FullName} Attributes' => '{$FullName}的页面属性', 'Set new read password:' => '设置访问密码', 'Set new edit password:' => '设置编辑密码', 'Set new attribute password:' => '设置页面属性修改密码', 'Set new publish password:' => '设置发布密码', 'Set new upload password:' => '设置附件上传密码', '(set by $PWSource)' => '当前使用 $PWSource ', '(using $PWCascade password)' => '当前使用 $PWCascade 密码', '(protected)' => '须授权', 'EnterAttributes' => "请在下方输入新的属性密码,留空将保持不变。清空密码请输入'clear',移除密码请输入'nopass'.", 'The page has an "attr" attribute and cannot be deleted.' => '本页有"attr" 属性,无法被删除.', ### 认证页面翻译 'Name' => '用户名', 'Password' => '密码', 'Password required' => '密码(必填)', 'Name/password not recognized' => '用户名或密码错误', ### 搜索结果页面翻译 'Search Results' => '搜索结果', 'SearchFor' => '以下为<strong>$Needle</strong>的搜索结果', 'SearchFound' => '在 $MatchSearched 个页面中,有 $MatchCount 个页面符合要求.', ### 上传页面翻译 'Attachments for' => '', 'File to upload:' => '选择上传附件:', 'Name attachment as:' => '重命名为(可选填):', 'Upload' => '上传', 'Uploads' => '上传', 'ULsuccess' => '上传成功', 'ULbadname' => '附件名无效', 'ULbadtype' => "'$upext'后缀的文件禁止上传", 'ULtoobig' => '文件超过上传附件的最大值', 'ULtoobigext' => " '$upext'文件超过可上传的最大 $upmax 字节", 'ULpartial' => '上传的文件不完整', 'ULnofile' => '文件上传失败', 'ULexists' => '已有同名文件,建议重命名后上传', 'ULpquota' => '超过该组限额', 'ULtquota' => '超过上传限额', ### 自带的GuiEdit可视化编辑器翻译 'Emphasized' => '斜体', 'Emphasized (italic)' => '斜体', 'Strong' => '粗体', 'Strong (bold)' => '粗体', 'Page link' => '页面链接', 'Link to internal page' => '站内链接', 'link text' => '链接名称', 'Link to external page' => '站外链接', 'file.ext' => '', 'Attach file' => '插入附件', 'Big text' => '大字体', 'Small text' => '小字体', 'Superscript' => '上标', 'Subscript' => '下标', 'Heading' => '标题', 'Subheading' => '副标题', 'Center' => '居中', 'Unordered list' => '无序列表', 'Unordered (bullet) list' => '无序(项目)列表', 'Ordered list' => '有序列表', 'Ordered (numbered) list' => '有序(数字)列表', 'Indented text' => '增加缩进', 'Hanging indent' => '悬挂缩进', 'Horizontal rule' => '分割线', 'Table' => '表格', # access keys # 'ak_em' => '', # 'ak_strong' => '', ### 其它 '(approve sites)' => '(认证站点)', 'This post has been blocked by the administrator' => '本次提交被管理员禁止', 'Address blocked from posting' => '地址受限,暂时无法发布', 'Text blocked from posting' => '', 'Password encryption' => '加密密码', 'EditConflict' => "在您编辑这个页面时,它已经被其他人修改过了。您可以进行核对并适当进行合并。系统无法解决以下冲突 <<<<<<< 和 >>>>>>>.", 'EditWarning' => "在您编辑期间,当前页面已被他人更新过,如果您继续操作,将会覆盖之前的新版本", 'View changes' => '对比查看', '?invalid page name' => '页面名无效', 'More information' => '更多信息', "PmWiki can't process your request" => 'PmWiki暂时无法处理您的请求', 'We are sorry for any inconvenience' => '很抱歉给您带来不便', 'Return to' => '返回至', 'Table of content' => '目录', ### Deprecated # Use instead the translation for PageTitle/LinkText technical pages above '{$Group}/RecentChanges' => '', ### Historical 'not found' => '没有找到',